Friday, November 26, 2010

Shop, Shop, Gobble, Gobble, SALE, SALE!

Ahh, the Thanksgiving weekend of excess, the holiday madness has begun. The gluttony started yesterday at my family thanksgiving feast, to which I contributed a lovely sweet potato combo:

 That yummy marshmallow-bespeckled casserole is actually this recipe made from sweet potato orzo! It got all browned and chewy.....ah chewiness, a much missed texture on the Thanksgiving plate.

Then the shopping began this morning. Now, let me clarify. I am not a Black Friday shopper. Never have been. Crowds. Lines. Disgusting displays of greed and wanton spending. It's not my thing. But when I found out my local yarn store was having a Black Friday sale with additional discounts for wearing your PJs? Well, greedy and wanton yarn shopping is another story. I picked up a bushel of puffy Burly Spun and I do believe I'm feeling the post-sale after glow.

 Indeed, I'm feeling so festive, I decided to host an After Thanksgiving Pattern SALE on my Etsy shop! All Patterns are 2 for $5 now through end of day Monday. Stock up now and that way when you realize you need some fast, last-minute gifts in a few weeks, you'll be ready!

Check out the SALE here and feel free to pass the news along.

Meanwhile, I have some leftovers to attend to.....

1 comment:

Ted and Belinda said...

Hi,I have a question about your blue leaf pattern in Ravelry. The pattern overview directs me to slip the first stitch of every row: should I slip every stitch as if to knit or should I slip the stitch as directed by the pattern's first stitch? Example: slip as if to knit when directed to K2. Slip as if to purl when directed to P2? Thanks for the FREE pattern!!!!